Tank 4 Project

Gate terminal and its shareholders, Gasunie and Vopak, announced on 23 August 2023 that the final investment decision has been taken to expand Gate terminal’s storage and regasification capacity. The expansion consists of a new LNG storage tank of 180,000 cubic meters and additional regasification capacity of 4 BCM per year. Doing so, Gate terminal plays a crucial role in meeting the projected need for LNG import in the Netherlands and its neighboring countries, further diversifying the sources of energy supply. The new capacity is rented out under long-term commercial agreements and is expected to be ready for operation by the second half of 2026. The selected contractors for executing the expansion of the terminal are VINCI Construction Grands Projets – Entrepose Contracting, Sener and Sacyr Proyecta.

Project timeline

  • September 2023: Start of the project

This milestone includes the start of design activities performed by the contractor. Various discipline engineers will translate functional requirements in drawings, calculations and specification to purchase materials and services and later to build at site.

  • Phase 1: Start construction tank

This milestone includes the start of the construction of the tank. Foundation works activities will include reinforcement steel works, formworks installation and concrete pouring of outer shell rings. From this point the structure of the tank starts taking shape.

  • Phase 2: Tank roof construction

This milestone includes the start of construction of the tank roof. The steel structure related to the tank roof will be assembled and airlifted to the final height of the tank. From this point onwards the tank reached its final height.

  • Phase 3: Ready for Cool Down

This milestone includes the start of cooling down the tank. Pre-commissioning and test activities including hydrotest, pressure test and functional test on electrical and instrumentation will be carried out. The newly constructed tank is ready to be brought to low temperatures. From this point, commissioning can start, and LNG can be put into the new system for the first time.

  • HY2 2026: Ready for Start Up

This milestone includes the start of operations of the project. The construction and commissioning and all necessary tests have been carried out. The new tank and associated infrastructure are now ready to take into operation and serve the market.

Current project status

The tank 4 project has started. Contractors are currently working on the engineering and procurement of items. The status is in line with the overall project planning.

Project studies

Required environmental and social assessments have been performed for the project. The project Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is available at the commissie m.e.r. website. A human rights assessment was performed. The assessment concluded no/minimal risk during construction. Gate terminal has in place procedures and working policies to ensure that it remains at that level. Physical and transition risks resulting from climate change on the project were assessed. Near-term risks are low. Mid-term risks of heat stress and hot days for workers can increase if not mitigated in time. Gate Terminal has procedures in place to ensure safe conditions for operators and staff working in hot conditions. In addition to the risks, opportunities are present. The physical location and retrofitting possibilities provide flexibility for long-term use of the project’s infrastructure.


Safety is Gate terminal’s first and foremost priority. We are mindful of the potential impact of the construction activities on social communities and on the environment. Gate terminal encourages and enables employees and other stakeholders, including contractors, suppliers, and neighbors, to speak up and raise serious concerns within the company, acting in good faith. This is possible via our contact form. Nuisance complaints can be made via DCMR website.